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Tips for Finding the Right Dermatologist in Lawrenceville, GA

Seeing a dermatologist is similar to seeing a dentist, most people don’t go until there is a problem. However maintaining proper skincare, addressing issues before they become serious, and regularly having your skin’s health checked is essential.  That said, it can be difficult to know how to choose the right doctor.  At the Center for Dermatology we are passionate about giving our patients the tools to make the best health decisions possible.  We have compiled tips to help you pick the best dermatologist in Lawrenceville GA for you.

Do I Need A Dermatologist?

It is easy to deal with imperfections and issues with our skin passively.  You may address parched or cracking skin with more lotion, reoccurring acne with over-the-counter cleaners, or odd spots and bumps by ignoring them.  However, it is important to have a professional assess dermatological issues as they can indicate more serious health problems or skin conditions.

Even if you feel your skin’s health is optimal, you should be seeing a dermatologist at least once a year. A misconception is that dermatologists focus mainly on facial issues.  The reality is your skin is an organ, and a good dermatologist will look over your entire body during routine visits, as well as address your specific concerns.

So do you need a dermatologist?  The answer is yes!  We all do.  Even children should see a pediatric dermatologist.  However you want to be sure to choose the right one.  Going to Google or a phone book looking for a “dermatologist near me” is not the best way to go.  There are steps you can take so finding a good dermatologist in Lawrenceville GA won’t be a challenge.

1) Referrals And Satisfaction Surveys

Getting referrals is the best way to pick any doctor.  That said, good referrals are different than a referral in general.  Simply because someone has seen a dermatologist once or twice, does not necessarily make their referral the best.  Better referral sources are:

Also be sure to read what other patients have to say about the doctor and his/her practice.  With enough reviews you can get a picture of what pros and cons are common with a doctor.

2) Credentials And Experience

Thoroughly vet the credentials of all potential doctors. and state websites can give you history on doctors such as:

3) Communication And Gender

A consultation does not have to be a commitment to choosing a doctor. Consultations are also a chance for you to meet a doctor in person and decide if the fit will be right for you.  This is especially important when seeking a pediatric dermatologist for your child.

Although you may have gender preferences, if there are things you like about a practitioner, your consultation will allow you to decide if gender can be a negotiable point.  Practical considerations like a doctors hospital privileges, and the quality of those hospitals, are good points to discuss with the doctor and their office.  

If you have been searching for a dermatologist in Lawrenceville GA we encourage you to consider our practice.  At the Center for Dermatology we have adult and pediatric dermatologist.   Contact us today for your initial consultation.

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