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Skin Tag Removal FAQs: Will My Skin Tag Grow Back?

Skin tags are benign, flesh-colored skin growths that seen most often on the eyelids, neck, chest, back, underarms, or other areas with body folds. Skin tags usually bulge from the skin’s surface by a narrow looking stalk. They are unsightly and can cause people to feel self-conscious. The professionals at the Center for Dermatology in Lawrenceville, Georgia, is available to assist in your skin tag removal.

What Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are most commonly seen in older adults and can affect both men and women, however, women experiencing weight gain are most susceptible. Although these unsightly skin growths are harmless and painless, they can become an annoyance and uncomfortable if they are in an area where clothing, jewelry, or skin rubs against them. Skin tags are most often found on the neck, chest, back, armpits, under the breasts, eyelids, or in the groin area.

They can become a cosmetic concern for many if they appear on the visible areas of the body. Because they present a cosmetic concern, individuals may seek professional treatment for their skin tags. This treatment traditionally involves the complete removal of the growth.

What Causes Skin Tags?

Unfortunately, there is no medically known cause for skin tags. Medical professionals have been able to identify some factors that may increase the risk of getting them, including pregnancy, old age, obesity, diabetes, and chronic skin irritations. As skin tags run in families, this could mean there is a potential genetic link.

How Can You Prevent or Treat Skin Tags?

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent skin tags from forming and once they form, they are difficult to get rid of without help from a dermatologist. Skin tags can grow over time, becoming even more unsightly, especially if they are invisible areas. The cosmetic concern is one of the primary reasons individuals seek treatment for their skin tags. If a skin tag forms in an area where it consistently rubs on clothing, jewelry, or other skin, it can become irritated and uncomfortable.

The treatment of skin tags typically involves complete skin tag removal. A dermatologist can perform a safe and simple skin tag removal right in their office.

How Is Skin Tag Removal Done?

If you are interested in skin tag removal, it is best to consult with a dermatologist first. A dermatologist can use a variety of methods to remove the skin tag. If the skin tag is small, there is no need for anesthesia or lengthy recovery periods. However larger tags may require a topical anesthesia cream prior to the treatment. A few of the most common skin tag removal methods include:

Where Can You Get Treated?

Do you have unwanted skin tags you’d like to have removed? Would you like more information about skin tags? Contact the Center for Dermatology in Lawrenceville, Georgia today to schedule a consultation!

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