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Remove Unwanted Tattoos Safely and Effectively with Laser Tattoo Removal

Tattoos can be beautiful pieces of artwork left upon the tapestry that is your skin, but they can also be shameful marks. Employers may frown upon them. The name you had tattooed on your arm may be of someone whom you parted with. That bright and wonderful tattoo may have faded, stretched and transformed into something less than beautiful.

Laser tattoo removal gives you a way to remove those unwanted tattoos. This high-tech process can do so in a way that lacks the unwanted side effects of traditional treatment methods.

How Can a Laser Remove Tattoos?

Laser tattoo removal works on the basis that certain wavelengths of light can pass through cells without causing harm. When this special, high-energy light reaches the target, the energy transforms into heat that breaks down the target.

In laser tattoo removal, a special laser is applied to your skin. The light passes through the epidermis and dermis layers of your skin. When it reaches the pigments of your tattoo, it vibrates and causes them to break down.

Once the pigments are broken into smaller pieces, they can be removed by the body’s lymphatic system. This process occurs naturally at a very slow rate, but the pigments tend to be too large or too hard for the body to break down. Laser tattoo removal helps to enable this process to occur.

The Benefits of Laser Tattoo Removal

Given the unique nature of laser tattoo removal, it offers a few unique benefits. These make removing your tattoo into a doable experience.

The benefits of laser tattoo removal include:

Other Things to Know About Laser Tattoo Removal

The effectiveness of the laser treatments depends on the pigments used within your tattoos. The physical properties of two different blue pigments, for example, may make certain types of laser tattoo removal more effective than others. In addition, a person’s skin type could also determine how effective the treatment is.

To see if laser tattoo removal is for you, contact the Center for Dermatology in Lawrenceville. Our board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Hafeez, can use his expertise to diagnose your tattoos, assess your skin type and determine if laser tattoo removal is right for you.

Contact our office today to schedule your consultation!

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