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Reduce Pore Size with Micro-Needling

Enlarged pores are a visual sign of aging. Our skin becomes less elastic as we age, and subdermal tissues are weakened. Our skin also holds less moisture but still breathes easily, and this makes the pores wider. They become clogged with organic and inorganic matter, and any deterioration of organic matter inside pores can cause permanent discolorations. One of the most effective ways to reduce pore size is via the procedure known as micro-needling.

This cosmetic procedure involves the making of controlled micro-channels in the skin. These micro-channels signal the body to accelerate the process of skin cell creation. Because the response to micro-needling includes the rushing of nutrients to the skin and subdermal tissues, the support tissues beneath the skin also become stronger. We highly recommend this procedure for anyone concerned about enlarged pores, brittle skin, and lower-layer discolorations.

How Micro-Needling Builds Healthy Skin

The micro-channels created during micro-needling are very tiny, meaning that most of the skin surface is unaffected. However, these micro-channels allow the breakdown of scar tissue and stimulate collagen production. The process can be repeated over a series of sessions to minimize skin issues.

After several treatments, the resulting healing means better overall skin tone and texture. It also means a great deal more collagen in the skin, so pore openings become smaller and less noticeable.

Types of Needling Procedures

When we consult with our client, we determine which type of needling instrument to use based on the size of the treatable area, the thickness of the skin, and the location of any discolorations the client wishes to have improved. For larger areas, we may use the standard roller instrument, a device that looks a bit like a tiny paint roller.

For smaller areas, we usually create micro-channels in the skin with a pen-shaped instrument. Some of these are designed to hold a detachable tip, meaning that we clip on a tip with needles of the appropriate thickness and length. The device is simply pressed into the skin surface in hard-to-reach areas where the roller instrument would be of no use.

We may apply a topical numbing agent to the skin prior to creating the micro-channels. We may also rub the skin with a nutrient-rich solution so that the skin will receive nutrition immediately after a Micro-needling session. For best results, we recommend three or five treatments with each two to four weeks apart.

The results take time, but our clients find out that the wait is certainly worth it. Not only is the skin texture improved, pores are less noticeable because the skin tissue becomes more taut and supple. This means less clogging, fewer pimples, and more evenly toned skin.

Smaller Pores and Better Skin Tone

If you’ve been battling small discolorations caused by enlarged pores, micro-needling may be the best solution. To find out more, contact us today at Center for Dermatology in Lawrenceville. We’ll be happy to schedule a consultation, during which you’ll learn all about micro-needling and what it can do to improve your overall appearance.

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