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Reaping the Benefits of Rosacea Treatment

Many individuals suffer from rosacea yet are unaware of this common skin condition. It is estimated that upwards of 14 million Americans have this skin disorder. There are some promising new rosacea treatment options that can alleviate the aggravating and embarrassing symptoms that it commonly causes, and these treatments can be done without undergoing anesthesia or strong medications. They also require little to no downtime afterwards. Check out all of our treatments designed for rosacea, and begin to reap the incredible benefits that these specialized skin treatments can give. Along with expert skin evaluation and treatment options, patients can get helpful advice about effective home skin care techniques to keep the skin looking terrific in between treatments.

What is Rosacea?

While many individuals that experience excessive facial skin redness and outbreaks of pimples assume they suffer from acne, they could be experiencing the common symptoms of rosacea instead. This skin condition can cause embarrassment due to the noticeable symptoms. Most over-the-counter skin care treatments and products are ineffective and can lead to further skin problems. The precise cause of this commonly experienced skin disorder is not known, but experts have linked the condition to a number of risk factors.

Who Gets Rosacea?

Most individuals diagnosed with rosacea are typically between the ages of 30 to 50 and female, but this issue can also be found at other ages and in men. Patients with this condition often have blue eyes and a lighter complexion such as those with Scandinavian or Eastern European descent. No direct hereditary link has been verified, but evidence of a genetic factor indicates that this could be hereditary.

Seeking Rosacea Treatment

Rosacea treatment often includes topical medications with ingredients designed to calm down the skin’s redness by targeting the swelling and inflammation process. Antibiotics are sometimes used at first to boost a positive body response, and autoimmune boosting or suppressing drugs may also be prescribed. Gentle skincare products may be recommended, and laser and light therapy has shown to be highly-effective for this skin condition.

If you are seeking rosacea treatment and aren’t sure which way to turn, make an appointment with the professionals at Center for Dermatology in Lawrenceville. Whether you live in Lawrenceville, Suwanee, Dacula, Duluth, Buford, Snellville, or the surrounding area, we are here to help you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for rosacea treatment.

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